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Terms of service

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1. General

The following terms and conditions apply to the use of the PlebBase platform (hereinafter referred to as "Provider").

By accessing the platform and using the services, the user declares that all terms and conditions have been read, understood and accepted by the provider. The provider has the right to unilaterally change and modify the terms and conditions at any time. Such changes and modifications shall become effective upon publication on the website. By accessing the platform and using the services, the user agrees to the terms and conditions published on the website at the time of accessing the platform. If the user does not agree with the terms and conditions published on the website by the provider, access to the platform and use of the services must be discontinued immediately.

Deviating terms and conditions of the user are not recognized unless the provider expressly agrees to their validity in writing.

The offer is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs. By registering, the user confirms that he/she is concluding the contract in the exercise of his/her commercial or independent professional activity and is of legal age (at least 18 years old).

All data provided on this website is for informational purposes only. This site is a proof of concept and based on the feedback from the community, we will add more useful features. Mining and cloud mining involve financial risks and may not be suitable for all people, PlebBase is not responsible for any financial losses, you invest at your own risk! The information presented here is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered an offer or solicitation to invest with PlebBase or elsewhere. Any investment decisions you make are your sole responsibility.

2. Subject matter of the contract (scope of services)

2.1. The provider offers users the following usage options:

  • 2.1.1. Paid membership after manual check and approval
  • 2.1.2. Individual service according to cost


2.1.1. Paid membership after manual check and approval

The subject of the contract is the paid application and registration with a unique e-mail address of the company in which the registrant works. Registrations with a "free e-mail address" and/or "SPAM e-mail address" are not permitted.

The only contractual obligation is the possibility to register and create a newsroom, boilerplate, contact person. It is assured that the contact person has given positive consent to the use of personal data.

The user is aware that the fields requested in the newsroom form are publicly visible after saving. Exceptions to this are fields that are marked separately in the form so that they are not displayed publicly.

The provider points out to the user that the publication of the transmitted data (press release, expose, boilerplate, contact person, newsroom) is at the discretion of the provider and that the provider reserves the right to publish, change, delete or block the data as part of a preliminary check.

The user may use the formats offered and activated functions on the platform within the scope of the monthly quota. The provider is under no obligation to publish. Monthly quotas will not be refunded in the event of one or more rejections. Unused monthly quotas are not carried over to the following month and expire if not used.

If the provider determines that the submitted or already published content is published on more than three other platforms, the provider reserves the right to delete the content from PlebBase and to block the account, including for future use. All data contained therein will be deleted in compliance with the GDPR, taking into account the retention and deletion period.

Only one account may be created per company; multiple registrations of a natural person are prohibited. If the user manages more than one company, the structure must be mapped via a company account with additional newsrooms.

Furthermore, it is prohibited to post content on this platform via third-party press distribution lists. Failure to comply with the provider's agreements will result in the deletion and blocking of the company, including for future cooperation.
Additional services, options and quotas can be used, which are automatically made available by the system after the change of membership type.

A fee-based membership is concluded for 12 months and is automatically extended for a further 12 months unless it is terminated 4 weeks before the membership expires. Cancellation is possible at any time with a notice period of 4 weeks, a refund of membership fees already paid is not possible, not even in the case of early termination.

Membership fees must be paid in advance for the entire period. Fixed conditions apply when the contract is concluded. The provider reserves the right to increase the membership fees. However, this can only take place in the next renewal period; the provider undertakes to inform the user of this in good time, but at least 4 weeks before the renewal period. The user has the right to cancel the membership and all data will then be irrevocably deleted by the provider.
This platform pursues a zero-tolerance strategy.

2.1.2. Individual service according to cost

In rare cases, it may be necessary to charge for certain tasks on a time and material basis. This is always done in consultation with the user and is charged on a time and material basis. Current conditions can be found in the price information. A minimum billing cycle is 30 minutes and further segments as a 15-minute contingent.

2.2. Payment/price modalities

Details of the fees for the paid usage options are defined individually. Conditions for the options and services offered shall be communicated to the User by the Provider on request, at the Provider's discretion. The fees are binding and subject to the applicable statutory value added tax. The fees are due for payment in advance immediately upon invoicing for the entire term, unless another agreement exists in writing. The user can pay them using the payment options offered by the provider. If a fee cannot be collected, the user shall bear all resulting costs, in particular bank charges in connection with the return of direct debits and comparable charges, to the extent that he is responsible for the event triggering the costs. In the event of late payment, the Provider may charge a flat-rate reminder fee of 2.5% for the second and third reminder. The same applies to a letter of termination that becomes necessary due to the customer's default. The user expressly reserves the right to prove that no damage has been incurred or that the damage is significantly lower than the flat rate.

Communicated agreements on modalities, prices or other agreements are to be kept completely confidential and are to be regarded as NDA.

2.3. Availability of the platform

The Provider shall endeavor to offer the service for retrieval with as few interruptions as possible. Even with all due care, downtimes cannot be ruled out in which the web servers cannot be accessed via the Internet due to technical or other problems that are beyond the control of the provider (fault of third parties, force majeure, attacks against the infrastructure by hackers, etc.). The user acknowledges that 100% availability of the website is not technically feasible.

2.4. Changes to the platform

The Provider reserves the right to change and expand the content and structure of the Platform and the associated user interfaces if this does not or not insignificantly impair the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract concluded with the User. The Provider shall inform the Users of the changes accordingly.


3. No right of withdrawal

There is no right of revocation or return for this contract between entrepreneurs.

4. Formation of the contract (conclusion of contract)

4.1. General

In principle, the platform is freely available to all users. The application and active use of this platform is aimed exclusively at companies. By agreeing to these GTC, it is confirmed that the contract is concluded in the exercise of commercial or self-employed activity, or that the person is acting on behalf of such a company and is authorized to conclude contracts. The person confirms that they have reached full or unlimited legal capacity. Registration and active use of this platform is prohibited if there is no valid VAT ID and the person is not acting on behalf of a company.
The provider reserves the right not to include individual newsrooms, press releases and exposés in the platform portfolio, or not to include them in full.

4.2. Ordering process for paid services

The activation of individual memberships, options and packages takes place exclusively after the user has contacted the provider. Booked memberships, options and packages are confirmed electronically by the provider to the user.

5. Contract term and termination

5.1. Publications

The contract for the publication of press releases, exposes, newsrooms, contact persons, boilerplate and other assets within the Platform provided by the Provider is concluded for an indefinite period.

5.2. Paid services

The contract for fee-based memberships, options and packages under these GTC is concluded for an indefinite period. The term begins on the day the contract is concluded.

Communicated agreements on modalities, prices or other agreements are to be kept completely confidential and are to be regarded as NDA.

5.3. Termination

The right to terminate for good cause remains unaffected for the parties. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular in the event of a) a breach of the user's obligations under these GTC and/or b) a breach of payment obligations. In this case, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of fees already paid. In this respect, a contractual penalty in the amount of the subscription fee shall be deemed agreed.

Notice of termination must be given in writing or in text form (letter or e-mail). An active confirmation from the provider will be sent electronically.

6. Storage of the contract

The Provider shall only store the User's order, the acceptance of the order by the Provider (conclusion of contract) and these GTC. The contract language is German.

7. Obligations of the user

7.1. The User warrants that the information provided by him, in particular the contact address/data, the company, the academic titles/degrees and the professional title/qualification, is correct and complete and undertakes to inform the Provider immediately of any changes to the data provided or to update it on the Platform.

7.2. When creating content and using the platform, the user must comply with the applicable rules of professional conduct and ethics, the applicable laws and all third-party rights.

In particular, the user is prohibited from

  • use offensive or untrue content
  • post press releases, exposés, contact persons on behalf of third parties without being authorized to do so
  • disseminate content relating to eroticism, gambling/lotteries and online pharmacies
  • send or post spam to other users via the system
  • use content protected by law, in particular by copyright and trademark law, without authorization
  • carry out anti-competitive activities.

7.3. The user may not violate legal prohibitions, common decency or the rights of third parties with his Internet presence to which the provider links. Furthermore, the user may only upload logos and photos (graphics) to the platform if he/she holds the corresponding rights of use and exploitation. Any claims for copyright and license infringements shall be borne by the customer/user.

7.4. In the event of a breach of the aforementioned obligations, the Provider may also impose the following sanctions on the User, irrespective of termination:

  • deletion or modification of content posted by the user for a fee
  • issuing a warning or
  • blocking of the account or
  • blocking of access to the website

also in the future and for all team/work colleagues of the user.

7.5. The provider is also entitled to block the user's access to the platform if there is sufficient suspicion that the user has violated these GTC or if the publication of the user's content appears unreasonable to the provider.

7.6. Should third parties or other users assert claims against the Provider due to possible legal violations that a) result from the content posted by the User and/or b) arise from the use of the Provider's services by the User, the User undertakes to indemnify the Provider against any claims, including claims for damages, and to reimburse the Provider for the costs incurred by the Provider due to the possible legal violation. In particular, the provider shall be indemnified against the costs of the necessary legal defense. The provider is entitled to demand a reasonable advance payment from the user for this purpose. The user is obliged to support the provider in good faith with information and documents in the legal defense against third parties. All further rights and claims for damages of the provider remain unaffected. If the user is not responsible for the possible infringement, the aforementioned obligations do not apply.

7.7. This platform pursues a zero-tolerance policy.


8. Granting of a right of use to the user's content

The copyright to press releases, exposés, contact persons, newsrooms, insofar as these are copyrightable, shall generally remain with the User. However, the user grants the provider the right to keep all content from the user permanently on its websites and to transfer this right (including this right to transfer). In addition, the provider has the right to delete, edit or block such content and/or transfer it to other external services.

9. Complaints, support and invoicing

Complaints, support requests, questions about the order or complaints should be sent to the following e-mail address

Invoices are sent to the user electronically.

10. Use of the account by the user

The user undertakes to store the transmitted access data carefully and protected from access by third parties. He is not authorized to make his access available to third parties or to allow it to be used by third parties. The provider reserves the right to change or block a user's login; in such a case, the provider will inform the user immediately.

11. Limitation of liability

11.1. The statutory warranty provisions of a service contract shall apply.

11.2. The provider assumes no responsibility for the third-party content, data and/or information provided by the users of the website or for content on linked external websites. In particular, the provider expressly does not guarantee that this content is complete, correct and up-to-date or that it fulfills a specific purpose or can serve such a purpose. If the user notices any unlawful use of the website, they can report this using the contact form available on the platform from any page.

11.3. In the event of loss of data by the user, the provider's liability is limited to the foreseeable damage. The foreseeable damage is the typical effort required to restore the destroyed data if the user fulfills the following obligation. The user must back up his data at regular intervals in machine-readable form in such a way that it can be reconstructed with reasonable effort.

11.4. The Provider shall only be liable for damages caused by gross negligence or intent on the part of the Provider, its legal representatives or one of its vicarious agents, unless the Provider breaches a material contractual obligation. The above limitation of liability applies to both contractual and non-contractual claims. Liability under the Product Liability Act and liability for slightly negligent injury to life, limb and/or health shall remain unaffected.

11.5. Except in cases of intent and/or gross negligence or breach of a material contractual obligation, liability shall be limited to the amount of damages typically foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract. Slightly negligent injury to life, limb and/or health shall also remain unaffected. The amount of liability for other cases of slightly negligent behavior is limited to the total annual remuneration paid in each case, but not exceeding the respective contract value for two years. In any case, the total liability per user and case of damage is limited to EUR 500.

11.6. All claims for damages shall lapse within two years of knowledge of the event causing the damage. This does not apply in the case of intentional behavior by legal representatives, employees or vicarious agents of the provider.